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The news article about me and my book that was in the Alton Telegraph on July 20th

Paranormal novelist

Writer delves into world of supernatural beings

Trisha Jones

Trisha Jones


Trisha Jones, 33, of Collinsville, wrote “Nirvash, A Vampire’s Tale” about a world where supernatural creatures face discrimination and fear of annihilation. The protagonist, Nirvash, must team up with every supernatural creature to stop the Were-bear, Bert Xavier, who has killed Nirvash’s whole nest.






Posted: Saturday, July 20, 2013 8:00 am


For one local author, having her self-published book read by more and more people is an emotional experience.

“I’m thrilled and a bit nervous at the same time because people are reading it and contacting me with both positive and negative comments about the book,” said Trisha Jones, 33, of Collinsville.

Last year, Jones went through the process of self-publishing her first book, “Nirvash, A Vampire’s Tale.”

“One day I showed my husband something I wrote and he asked me if I had ever considered trying to get my writing published,” she said. “I had but I did not know whether my writing was good enough. But he was the one who gave me the confidence to move forward with my writing and get it published.”

After being told by an agent that her book was too short, she decided to go the self-publishing route.

“Writing is the easy part,” she said. “But going through your finished novel and editing it is the hard part.”

Because she was not seeing a lot of people purchasing her book, a friend recently suggested putting out a press release about the book, which helped it gain a little more attention.

“The stuff I write can be classified under many different genres. But this book can be considered paranormal and supernatural fiction,” she said.

“Nirvash, A Vampire’s Tale” takes place in a world where supernatural creatures face discrimination and fear of annihilation. Nirvash, along with her friends and lovers, must team up with every supernatural creature to stop the Were-bear, Bert Xavier, who has killed Nirvash’s whole nest.

“When Xavier is killing the humans, they have to stop him before he further alienates the vampires. Since all of Were-kind is on the verge of being discovered, the stakes are high for both the Were-creatures and vampires. Nirvash must keep the ones she has come to love safe from him. In the meantime, Nirvash falls for not one man but two,” according to the book’s description.

This stay-at-home mom has just one piece of simple advice for aspiring writers.

“Just write,” said Jones, who is mother to Destiny, 9, and Hunter, 11. “No matter, don’t try to make excuses. Whether it’s for 15 minutes a day, just write.”

She wrote “Nirvash” in 2009 during the National Novel Month. Since then, she has written another novel and is finishing her third book.

“I was told by a published author that you will receive enough rejection letters to paper your office before you finally receive an acceptance letter from an agent or a publisher,” she said. “With this next book, I am hoping to find that agent or publisher who would like to take it.”

Jones’ dream is to one day walk into a bookstore and see her published novel sitting on a shelf. Until then, her book is available online at and other sites such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iBookstore.

Press Release For Nirvash, a Vampire's Tale




Date: 06/29/2013


Contact: Trisha Jones, (618)-581-4894,




What if supernatural beings were real?


In the novelette written by Trisha Jones, they are!


COLLINSVILLE, (Ill.) — Utilizing a unique writing style in which the characters come to life, Trisha Jones has written and self-published her first novelette, Nirvash, a Vampire's Tale through It is available at and other sites such as Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, iBookstore.


Jones wrote this book for adult readers who enjoy a good vampire book.


“I have always enjoyed writing and I figured I would share my stories with the world,” Jones said


Mrs. Jones is a stay-at-home mom and always enjoyed reading about a world where all the mythical creatures and monsters were real. So in high school she decided she wanted to write down the adventures in the world she made up. As she got older the adventures got more erotic and fun. One day she showed her husband something she wrote and he encouraged her to publish her writing.


“Nirvash, a Vampire's Tale’’ takes place in a world where supernatural creatures face discrimination and fear of annihilation. Nirvash, along with her friends and lovers must team up with every supernatural creature to stop the were-bear, Bert Xavier, who killed off Nirvash's whole nest. When humans are being killed by Bert Xavier, they have to stop him before he further alienates the vampires.


Since all of were-kind is on the verge of being discovered, the stakes are high for both the werecreatures and vampires. Nirvash must keep the ones she has come to love safe from him. In the meantime Nirvash falls for not one man but two.


Here is what people are saying about the book:


"This is a gripping, mildly erotic love story wrapped within a period of awakening in a society adjusting to lose a long-term stereotype. The depth with which this author develops her characters and adds new levels of good and evil make it a real "page turner." said Mike


“It's just the right length and depth for either a change of pace as a reader or for someone wishing to explore new genres. I've found out that this is the writers FIRST novel! Great JOB! WELL DONE! I only hope another is in the works.’’


"A fun read...enjoyed Trisha's style of writing. Caught several new things after reading this a second and third time. Keep up the great writing Trisha. The storyline was not just your typical vampire in the castle kind of thing...." - Brian Stertz



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