Trisha Jones
Terminology I used in the Ann Smith books currently published and unpublished. This list with be added to and changed as books are written.
Were diseases
Felinthropy : The feline kind of Werecreature (i.e.. Jaguars, lions, leopards, etc.)
Lycanthropy: The canine kind of Werecreature (i.e. wolf, dog coyote, etc.)
Marsinthropy: The marsupial kind of Werecreature (i.e. kangaroo, wombat, koala, etc..)
Bovinthropy: bovinae kind of Werecreatues (i.e. bison, and cows) these are one of the few kind of prey Werecreatures.
Ursidaethropy: bear kind of Werecreatures (i.e. grizzly, polar, brown, etc.)
Synod: a group of Werejaguars.
Pack: a group of lycanthropes.
Pride: a group of Werelions, I also use this term for a group of Werecougars.
Sleuth: a group of Werebears.
Streak or ambush: a group of Weretigers.
Coalition: a group of Werecheetahs.
Herd: a group of bovinae Werecreatures.
Mob: a group of Werekangaroos